3 Ways to Get More Facebook Page Likes

3 Ways to Get More Facebook Page Likes

Did you know that Facebook has over a billion active users on its platform?  That’s a lot!  Facebook is an extremely powerful tool to get your message across and your business seen. However, it all comes down to Facebook likes, because the more ‘likes’ you have, the more your business content can be seen.

Here are a few ways to increase your Facebook page count.

3 Ways to Get More Facebook Page Likes

Use the Invite Feature

Did you know that you can ‘invite’ users to like your page?  Not only can you directly invite your friends, but there is a tab that allows you to invite anyone who has liked a post.  When we onboard a client, one of the first things we do is go through and invite anyone who has liked any of our client’s posts.  Typically, we see immediate results.

Leverage Audiences Outside of Facebook

Another way you can increase your Facebook page likes is to leverage your customers in physical spaces.  For example, you can place a sign near a cash wrap area to encourage people to sign up.  You can also offer giveaways and discounts for those that do sign up.

Create Dynamic Posts and Invite Again

One of the best ways you can keep increasing your Facebook page likes is by creating dynamic and engaging posts.  Using video, for example, will give each posts more likes.  Then, as mentioned previously, you can then invite each person who has liked the post to then like the page if they have not already done so. 

Using these methods are easy and extremely effective ways to increase your Facebook page likes.  Remember, the more followers you have, the more your content will be seen and the more likely it is that your business will grow.

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