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3 Reasons Why Your Website Is Failing

3 Reasons Why Your Website Is Failing

Many small businesses have a website, but too many of these websites do not generate enough leads.  A website can be considered failed if there is not enough traffic driven to the site, and it does not complete its ultimate purpose of generating additional business. 

If your website is failing, here’s a few reasons why:  

Not Enough User Experience.

Is it easy for your customers to know where everything is and understand how to get from A to B?  If it isn’t, and your customers can’t immediately find the information they want, then this will be a big reason why there is no, or too little, website engagement.

Your customer does not want to spend time trying to navigate your website.  By not making your website links and information readily attainable, you are doing it a major disservice.

Not Enough Searchable Content.

One of the biggest issues that creates a failed website is that it can not easily be found.  If your website is not optimized by Google, meaning searchable through this site or similar search engines, then no one is going to see it. 

Your website needs to include relevant keywords, because these are what customers will be searching.  The more relevant keywords you have on your site, integrated and not dumped into the site, the more likely your website visitors and their engagement will increase. 

Need for Lead Capture.

Find some way to capture leads through your website, such as having a newsletter signup in place, or some type of quote form.  You need to be able to offer a way for your customers to readily communicate, but also a way to capture their information so that you can better help them with your product or service.

All of these factors can greatly contribute to why your website might be failing.  Being mindful of these three things will help.  Let us know how we can help your website today!