How Search Engines Work And Why SEO Matters

How Search Engines like Google Work, and Why SEO Matters

Google wants to provide the most relevant information possible for whatever you search. And they're pretty good at doing this. Search engines work by providing the most relevant and trustworthy information first.

You reasonably assume and expect to find the very best result at the top of the first page when you search for something. It's amazing to see how the info you got was so exact even though your search wasn't even that specific. 

People will only find your business online if your site is optimized for search engines.

YOUR site has to have the most relevant information possible for any given keyword term that is searched. 

It's all about keywords.

When you know what people are searching, you can expound on just this 1 search term (keyword), to ensure your site is the most relevant to be displayed when this keyword is searched. Write blog posts, and publish content across your social channels that contain this keyword. Talk about it, teach, share, post links back to your content. 

Your site also has to be trustworthy.

You have to build backlinks to your site and stay active on social media channels. This boosts your websites's authority. When other reputable sites link to yours, that boosts authority. When Google sees that your website and brand is being talked about online elsewhere by reputable sources, you're magically helping your site crawl up the rankings.

And this makes sense, doesn't it? You don't want to click on a shady website that has connection to a lot of spam links, or one that doesn't have the information you were looking for. 

The goal is to be at the top; to be the most relevant, most trustworthy site to help the end user find the answer or result they were looking for when they searched for "X." What is your "X"? 


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